Pro-Life Advocates March for Life in San Francisco
Tens of thousands of pro-life supporters filled Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco on January 25, 2025, as they participated in the 21st annual Walk for Life West Coast. The event was broadcast live on EWTN, drawing attention to its heartfelt messages and advocacy.
The Core Message of the March
Holding banners proclaiming “Abortion hurts women,” participants demonstrated their commitment to the cause. Eva Muntean, co-chair of the Walk for Life, encapsulated the sentiments of the attendees by stating, “Abortion hurts women, we love babies, and women deserve better than abortion.”
Muntean emphasized the destructive impact of abortion on women, men, and society as a whole, proclaiming, “Life is good, and abortion is very harmful; first, of course, to the baby, but also for women who have had abortions, for men who will not know the joys of fatherhood, and to society in general.”
Voices of Hope
Among those rallying for life was Elizabeth, a participant representing Young Adults for Christ of St. Elizabeth Church. She expressed her passion for the cause, reflecting, “Babies are life. I have my baby — he is my everything.”
Muntean further highlighted the purpose of the march, stating, “Hope springs eternal! We hope to share hope with mothers who are scared, with women suffering the pain of their abortions, with our city, and with our culture.”
Beyond Politics
While the event was not politically charged, Muntean did express a sense of optimism regarding the current administration’s actions, saying, “We are hopeful — certainly more so than with the previous administration.” Nevertheless, she reiterated that the movement’s objective transcends mere legislative change, emphasizing the necessity of fostering a culture where abortion is unthinkable, not just illegal.
Personal Testimonies
The event featured a diverse array of speakers who shared powerful personal stories. Kelly Lester, a former abortion clinic worker, remarked on her experiences, stating, “We did everything to make sure the woman’s choice was abortion.” Having undergone an abortion herself at the age of 15, she now supports healing initiatives through organizations like And Then There Were None and Pro-Love Ministries. “If you turn to the Lord, he will heal you,” she encouraged the crowd.
Ryan Bomberger, co-founder of the Radiance Foundation, shared his journey from being conceived in rape to finding purpose through adoption. He passionately stated, “Life is everything. Without it, we are literally nothing,” stressing that every life holds intrinsic value.
Recognition and Spiritual Reflections
This year’s St. Gianna Molla Award for Pro-Life Heroism was awarded to Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Coffey of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco recognized Bishop Coffey’s unwavering commitment to defending life.
Earlier in the day, Archbishop Cordileone celebrated Mass and delivered a compelling homily that connected the pro-life mission to the biblical story of St. Paul’s conversion. He emphasized the courage needed to advocate for life in a society that often views abortion as a right: “To stand for justice in an unjust society will bring persecution. But when one knows what is right, there is no alternative.”